Spirituality Classes
Educational Enrichment
We offer both CSL-accredited and SIA-accredited Courses which give you a wide range of opportunities to learn, grow, and evolve in your Spiritual Lives Practically, Artistically, Creatively, and Powerfully! As a Virtual Ministry, all of our offerings are currently via Zoom.
Soon, we hope to be able to offer asynchronous classes as well.
You can easily find your CSL ID# through your the CSL “OurCommunity Profile” by clicking here if you have an account.
You may also access your profile by simply logging in to OurCommunity and clicking the “My Details” tile. Your ID# will be listed directly under “My Contact Details.”
If you do not have an OurCommunity Profile, you can search you ID# here.
The registration form for our courses can be accessed here
once downloaded and completed, email it to:​​​​​
SIAAdmin@spirituallyintegratedarts.org / spirituallyintegratedarts@gmail.com
Also email if you have other questions about classes or registration.
On-going Weekly!
“Wednesday Night Science of Mind and Spirit Discussion Group”
​Wednesdays, 7 - 8:30 PM EST
join Rev. Ray and he facilitates deeper and relevant exploration and examination of The Science of Mind and Spirit in ways that make the teaching more applicable to our daily lives. If you want to join, send an email to SIAAdmin@spirituallyintegratedarts.org / spirituallyintegratedarts@gmail.com and request the Zoom link.
"Thursday Night Study Group"
Thursdays, 7 - 8:30 PM EST
join Tracy Rhymes as she facilitates the Thursday Night Study Group, which discusses the thoughts, comments, and the Questions from Rev. Ray's Sunday Message of that week.
If you want to join, send an email to SIAAdmin@spirituallyintegratedarts.org / spirituallyintegratedarts@gmail.com and request the Zoom link.
Foundations of Science of Mind​
This class is the prerequisite to all accredited Centers for Spiritual Living classes.
Foundations of The Science of Mind delves into the fundamental principles of spiritual understanding and personal growth. By exploring concepts such as God, the Creative Process, Grace, Wholeness, Attraction, Abundance, Living in the Flow, Oneness, Immortality, and Joy, students will develop a deeper connection to their inner selves and the divine. Engaging in practices like journaling, deep conversations with effective listening, affirmations and declarations, meditation, and visioning, participants will cultivate self-awareness, empower their thoughts and beliefs, and create space for greater awareness and expansion by moving from fear to faith, experiencing gratitude, forgiveness, exploring Christ consciousness as self, and authentic celebration. This course invites individuals to embrace their authentic selves, expand their awareness, and actively engage spiritual principles in their everyday lives.
Teacher: Rev. Dr. Raymont Anderson
When: 10 week Course
Time: Monday nights 7 - 9PM EST
Registration Fee: $45
Tuition and Workbook: $200
Textbooks: Textbook: Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes.
There are multiple editions of the Science of Mind.
It is recommended that students purchase the edition by Tarcher-Putnam. Other editions may have different content and/or page numbering.
ISBN 13 is: 978-0874779219
Prerequisite: None
To register, email: SIAAdmin@spirituallyitegratedarts.org
Meditation is more than you think
Join Anjali Tierra in the life-changing practice of meditation! Meditation is far more than sitting in the lotus posture with gyan mudra (thumb and index finger touching). It has the potential to enrich your spiritual life and enhance your human experience.
Meditation Is More Than You Think is an immersive introductory course that guides students through the transformative journey of meditation, exploring its diverse modalities and applications. This comprehensive course takes participants step-by-step, unveiling the power of meditation through various techniques and practices. From meditation with light and mantras to sound, movement, and breathwork, students will embark on an experiential journey each class. This hands-on approach equips students with a versatile toolkit of meditation practices to enhance their personal practice at home, enabling a deeper and more fulfilling meditation experience.
Course will be rescheduled for a later date in 2025
Facilitated by Anjali Tierra, RScP
“A 3-Part exploration of the mystical teachings of Joel Goldsmith”
Joel S. Goldsmith (1892 – 1964) was a renowned spiritual teacher, author, healer, and mystic, and the revelator of The Infinite Way message.
In this 3 part course, we will read and discuss 3 texts written by Goldsmith with the desire and intention of developing greater awareness, application, and access to the mystical within our own lives.
“God expresses God, and that expression appears as you.”
~Joel S. Goldsmith, The Art of Spiritual Healing
Part One: Conscious Union with God
Part Two: Practicing the Presence
Part Three: Living Between Two Worlds
Mondays - Tentatively Scheduled for 12 weeks
Start Date: January 8, 2025
Time: 7-9 PM EST
Facilitated by Rev. Dr Raymont Anderson
$$ Love Offering
Acting as Spiritual Practice
More info coming soon.
Course will begin in 2025
Facilitated by Rev. Dr. Raymont Anderson

Get in touch to learn more and to register.