Welcome to The Center for Spiritually Integrated Arts, we are a
Centers for Spiritual Living Teaching Center that focuses on the Arts as Spiritual Practice. What we offer is based on what Rev. Dr. Ray calls the Principles of Science of Mind and Spirit 4.0
Join us on this journey of exploring your spirituality through the arts. Let us help you discover your true self.
Who Are We
The Center for Spiritually Integrated Arts
is a Centers for Spiritually Living affiliated Teaching Center and is deeply committed to the interdisciplinary benefits derived from the intersection of Spirituality and The Arts.
The Ultimate Goal: Creating the Beloved Community.
Our Radically Inclusive Community including You!
Our Board of Directors
Our Practitioners
Our Artists
Our Educators
Our Spiritual Director

Sunday Message
Sunday Messages, called sermons by some, are the weekly offerings by Rev. Dr. Raymont Anderson, our Founding Minister, and Spiritual Director. His goal with the Sunday Messages is to offer a spiritually edifying lesson, not just to inspire, but to give us substantively relevant, applicable, and effective messages that help us to live our best lives. He does this in a manner that is entertaining, informative, challenging, Life Affirming, and contemplative... and as a result, Consciousness Shifting!
Our YouTube Channel is where you can watch current and previous Sunday Messages.
The Arts
What are The Arts?
According to Wikipedia
"The arts are a very wide range of human practices of creative expression, storytelling, and cultural participation. They encompass multiple diverse and plural modes of thinking, doing, and being, in an extremely broad range of media. Both highly dynamic and a characteristically constant feature of human life, they have developed into innovative, stylized, and sometimes intricate forms.
The arts are a vehicle through which human beings cultivate distinct social, cultural, and individual identities, while transmitting values, impressions, judgments, ideas, visions, spiritual meanings, patterns of life, and experiences across time and space.
Prominent examples of the arts include:
visual arts (including architecture, ceramics, drawing, filmmaking, painting, photography, and sculpting)
literary arts (including fiction, drama, poetry, and prose)
performing arts (including dance, music, and theatre)
They can employ skill and imagination to produce objects, and performances, convey insights and experiences, and construct new environments and spaces.
The arts can refer to common, popular, or everyday practices as well as more sophisticated and systematic, or institutionalized ones. They can be discrete and self-contained, or combine and interweave with other art forms, such as the combination of artwork with the written word in comics. They can also develop or contribute to some particular aspect of a more complex art form, as in cinematography. By definition, the arts themselves are open to being continually re-defined."
And it is that last part that we at SIA™ are engaging in being and doing. Redefine, being open at the top, ever-evolving the intersection of The Arts and Spirituality, specifically Science of Mind and Spirit!
Join us as we explore how to deepen our understanding of our divinity as creative beings living this thing called Life individually and collectively.

Here at The Center for Spiritually Integrated Arts, we offer a wide array of courses that build both artistic skills as well as spiritual awareness all for the purpose of improving our individual lives and the lives of others as part of our contribution to creating a world that works for all.
There are many people who are not afforded the privilege of learning or developing their innate artistic and spiritual expressions because they do not have
the time, money, or resources available.
Their main focus is survival!
Part of our vision and mission is to make Science of Mind and Spirit available to more people through formal classes, workshops, master classes,
and the arts one painting, poem, or podcast at a time.
We believe that the Universe is fundamentally spiritual and that it has intelligence, purpose, beauty, and order. Our beliefs are in harmony with the basic tenets of all the world’s great religions and for that reason, we honor all paths to God.
Whether we call it God, spirit, energy, or Universal Intelligence, every person, place, and thing emanates from this spiritual universe. We believe this Universal Intelligence is within us, as well as around us, and that we are conscious of it.
We believe that God is a loving intelligence, operating in and through all life, never separate from anyone or anything. Through classes, study, and spiritual practice we come to understand our oneness with this indwelling Divine Presence. We teach and practice a way of life where we can all learn how to live in accordance with spiritual principles. These principles, which we call the Science of Mind®, are as reliable as the laws of physical science.
We believe there is a body of knowledge about spiritual laws that operate in the Universe as Cause and Effect. We teach that “It is done unto you as you believe” and “As you think, so you become.” In essence, our thinking and our expectations create our reality. It is in studying and applying spiritual laws that we can change our unconscious beliefs and create improved conditions in our lives.
We teach and practice a way of life where we can all learn how to live in accordance with spiritual principles. These principles, which we call the Science of Mind, are as reliable as the laws of physical science. In essence, our thinking and our expectations create our reality.
Ernest Holmes wrote the Declaration of Principles, also known as “What We Believe,” for the first issue of Science of Mind magazine that was published in 1927. “What We Believe” has been included in every issue of the magazine since then for the past 88 years.
By studying and applying spiritual laws, we can change our unconscious beliefs and create improved conditions in our life.
Declaration of Principles (What We Believe)
New Thought

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
The SIA Community is a place, space, and collective of people who recognize, acknowledge, and celebrate the Life-Affirming Diversity of The Divine as It Incarnates in, through, and as YOU!!
We are a community of individuals who value and honor the many diverse ways that Spirit shows up!
This consciousness of being Radically Inclusive (Splendiferously Inclusive Always) means that we are a Community that not only Welcomes you, and Affirms you, but we also Honor and Celebrate you!
Because, you are an individualized expression of Spirit, God Incarnating in, through, and are worthy and valued just as you are!
It is this level of Inclusivity that we strive to demonstrate in order to make this community a lived demonstration of a "World that Works for All" by being a Community that Works for All of our members! We aim for you to be fed, nurtured, and supported, Spiritually, Creatively, Intellectually, Emotionally, Socially, and Physically. Our goal is for you to be able to call this your Spiritual Home, your Beloved Community, and your Spiritual Family, your Tribe, your Ohana!
What does this mean to be Radically Inclusive?
It means we see the Divine as it shows up in, through, and as everyone. All who seek this teaching and spiritual path are welcome here! There are people who practice Buddhism or other spiritual teachings, religions, and philosophies and still call this their Beloved Spiritual Community. Religious Science is compatible with any teaching that provides the seeker with greater clarity, insight, awareness, health, and well-being physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, financially, etc.
Part of how we embody, affirm, and celebrate the diversity of our community is via our developing Affinity groups such as the LGBTQ Affinity Group/ The Women of Color Affinity Group, Men's Group, etc.
We are also working to be a 100% bilingual community that is open and accessible to our Deaf members. Not only are we intending to provide American Sign Language interpreters for our Sunday messages, meditations, classes, workshops, events, and performances but we are also working to offer classes, workshops, events, and performances IN American Sign Language itself.
We intend to offer and include the Deaf community in all of the spiritual, social, educational, and artistic resources that this Teaching Center has. And this can only be achieved with full language access. This also includes offering opportunities for the hearing members of the community to learn ASL in order to communicate with our Deaf members.
Also as part of this Racial Inclusion, we are working on ways to address and heal the various ills of the world that are barriers to the Global Vision of a World that Works for All. Ills such as: Systemic Institutional Racism, Sexism, Homophobia, Xenophobia, Islamaphobia, Antisemitism, Toxic Capitalism, and more...
We are fully committed to Manifesting and Living the Vision of "A World That Works For All!"
"The Beloved Community!"
And it takes all of us to manifest this vision.
We are glad you are with us!
When you are ready to consider SIA your spiritual community by becoming an Active, Loyal, and Supporting member, the first thing you do is take the online "Introduction to SIA Class" which is a brief introduction to:
The Center for Spiritually Integrated Arts, Centers for Spiritual Living, Science of Mind and Spirit, and more.
The "SIA New Member Orientation/ Virtual Discovery Class" can be found here:
If you have any questions as you watch the video, do not hesitate to reach out and ask us.
Once you have completed the video, and are ready, fill out the Member Agreement Form and email it back to us.
Once we receive it, you will be sent your Membership Certificate and Membership Card. At which point you will officially be a member of our Beloved Community!
Being a Member of The Center for Spiritually Integrated Arts is
a wonderful, enriching, fun, and Life-Affirming experience!
As a member, you are part of a Spiritual Arts Community that is moving in the same forward, evolving direction that is in alignment with the vision of creating a world that works for all.
You also get access to member content, such as future issues of the SIA magazine, class discounts, early bird registration discounts, and more, which will be available via the Member Login.

Financial Support
Our Declaration of Effective, Aundant, Prosperous, and Opulent Financial Wealth
I participate in The Law of Circulation
consciously, exuberantly, and gratefully.
I practice the Spiritual Principle of tithing which encourages me
to Sow into my Beloved Community where I am spiritually nourished.
This practice is an active demonstration of my faith, conviction, dedication,
and embodiment of living moving, and being The Flow of God ItSelf.
I sow of myself - my time, treasure, talent, and tithe,
to actively support my community's vision, mission, and purpose.
I give consciously, actively, and measurably.
That is how I demonstrate, manifest, and reap the harvest of
a World that Works for All!