The Arts
Practice and Education

Ready to Engage in the Arts as a Spiritual Practice?
Whether you want to engage in the arts for fun, to express your creativity, or for spiritual exploration, you have come to the right place.
Below you will find a brief summary of what goes on here during the week. For more information or if you have specific questions, email /
On our YouTube Channel. First Sunday of each month join us for Meditation 10:30 AM EST.
The Sunday Message broadcast begins at 11 AM EST.
On select Sundays following the Message, we gather on Zoom for fellowship conversation.
If you want to join us on Zoom, send an email to
Wednesdays, 7 - 8:30 PM EST
join Rev. Ray and he facilitates deeper and relevant exploration and examination of The Science of Mind and Spirit in ways that make the teaching more applicable to our daily lives. If you want to join, send an email to and request the Zoom link.
Thursdays, 7 - 8:30 PM EST
join Tracy Rhymes as she facilitates the Thursday Night Study Group, which discusses the thoughts, comments, and the Questions from Rev. Ray's Sunday Message of that week.
If you want to join, send an email to